Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Visit from an army friend

Tonight, Michael Stansbery, a friend of Sarah's came by to visit with us. He is at Ft. Carson, and is going to Iraq in August. He likes cigars, so I got a couple for him. He went to Florida to visit family last week. If you would like to write him, email me at kmastin@gbod.org, and I will share his address.

The last letter we got from Sarah started with "Please send a cell phone!" So, of course, I did! She said she could have access to a cell phone for twenty minutes on Sundays during Basic training. That's better than having her stand in line at a pay phone, only to have one minute to talk because they are out of time.

She starts Basic this week, so I think she will be more engaged when we talk to her this weekend. That is the hardest for us, not talking to her! When she completes Basic Training, she will be able to have her cell phone all the time and we can talk to her! She is feeling a little like, as she said, " in army high school". I think that will change this week, when Reception is done, and Basic starts.

Being the helicopter Mom that I am, I Google Earth'd (is that a real phrase?!?) her base. You can download Google earth for free, and see a satelite view of anywhere on the earth! I think we can see the top of her barracks!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure if "Google" is a word then so is "Earth'd" but that's just my opinion. Funny how things that meant nothing 10 years ago are now in our everyday vocabulary. --Lara